Da Vinci Code

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Ore : 12:18 PM

First and foremost, forgive me for putting this post under the guise of 'Literature'. Purists would have haul tomatoes if not chairs at me when they would first stumble onto this...

I woke up this morning to the tune of a drizzle… only to realise my underwear is still at the balcony….


Da Vinci code… the rage of the month.

To the critics of Da Vinci code, (ahem... David and Margaret) it is not as bad as you make it out to be.

A common critique about the film was that it was too cluttered with information that it becomes confusing for the audience.

Well I have not had a problem with that. I doubt I am the most intelligent film … well if that’s the case…then… film critics who claim that it is confusing must be… ok I shall not say it…

Until then, I hadn’t read the book yet, so there was a chance that I might not understand it. But the thing is I did! So to say that… ok I am making the same point as above…

It’s just so frustrating that the critics say its confusing, with a lot of mambo jumbo and what not…

I understand a lot is expected because of its best-selling paperback counterpart but the critics have grossly overestimated it…

The book is nowhere near Earnest Hemingway, VS Naipaul, Seth, Roy, Achebe … hell it’s not even near JK Rowling… but I have to give credit to the writer and the book on its own merits. It is a good piece of page turner.

So what were they expecting? An in depth look in life… ponderous… earth shaking philosophical film, who are we kidding… the conspiracy theories are as old as the church itself, it has just been given a new twist to an old story. You know, put a bit of an adventure here and there… and presto! You have a best seller... with all the controversy surrounding it, why not add another… Hell! how about putting forward the Islamic view point that Jesus didn’t die in the cross, he was brought to Heaven before he could be crucified. The man on the cross was a person who resembled Jesus. Other Traditions said that it was Judas himself. Jesus will come back in the future to save the world. And yes Jesus was and is a man… sorry to digress; it is just a story which struck a chord with many readers.

Talk about being at the right place and time.

Look, Ron Howard made a faithful reproduction and personification of the book. The actors acted brilliantly, although Emily Tatou might seem a bit awkward but she was hot (for a descendant of Christ, well I am sure he’s hot and all, being god, according to the Church) … so whatever it is, it is a well-made film which should be judged on its own merits, not based on some whimsy standards the critics have placed them.

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